Vortex API 1.0.0 documentation
Table of Contents
Channel Parameters
Peers can subscribe to this channel to receive information about coordinator rounds.
Accepts one of the following messages:
Message roundParameters
Details of the round
Name | Type | Description | Accepted values |
version | integer | 0 | |
roundId | string | The ID of the round | Any |
amount | integer | The amount of the target utxo | Any |
coordinatorFee | integer | The fee the coordinator takes per new entrant | Any |
publicKey | string | The public key of the coordinator | Any |
time | integer | The time the round begins | Any |
inputType | string | The type of input that must be registered | witness_v0_keyhash , witness_v0_scripthash , witness_v1_taproot |
outputType | string | The type of output that must be registered | witness_v0_keyhash , witness_v0_scripthash , witness_v1_taproot |
changeType | string | The type of change output that must be registered | witness_v0_keyhash , witness_v0_scripthash , witness_v1_taproot |
minPeers | integer | The minimum number of peers that must register | Any |
maxPeers | integer | The maximum number of peers that can register | Any |
status | string | The status of the round | Any |
title | string | The title of the round | Any |
feeRate | integer | The expected fee rate of the round in sats/vbyte | Any |
Examples of payload
"version": 0,
"roundId": "030756a3dbf5eea34295337a73368905cc60321e9e47cdad6e091e26d311f4ac",
"amount": 40000,
"coordinatorFee": 1000,
"publicKey": "03b9cbebc3e2a1d4b8b2e5f2fbaa1e2d1f3e4a5b6c7d8e9f0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c",
"time": 1619222400,
"inputType": "witness_v0_keyhash",
"outputType": "witness_v1_taproot",
"changeType": "witness_v0_keyhash",
"minPeers": 2,
"maxPeers": 10,
"status": "Example Status",
"title": "Example Title",
"feeRate": 2
Message feeRateHint
A new fee rate hint for the round
Name | Type | Description | Accepted values |
feeRate | integer | The new expected fee rate of the round in sats/vbyte | Any |
Examples of payload
"feeRate": 2
Channel Parameters
Message sent by peers to register for round.
Accepts one of the following messages:
Message registerInputs
The inputs the peer wants to register
Name | Type | Description | Accepted values |
inputs | array(object) | Array of inputs to register | Any |
inputs.inputProof | string | The proof that the input is owned by the peer | Any |
inputs.outputReference | object | Any | |
inputs.outputReference.outPoint | object | Any | |
inputs.outputReference.outPoint.txId | string | The transaction ID of the output | Any |
inputs.outputReference.outPoint.vout | integer | The index of the output | Any |
inputs.outputReference.output | object | Any | |
inputs.outputReference.output.value | integer | The value of the output | Any |
inputs.outputReference.output.scriptPubKey | string | The scriptPubKey of the output | Any |
blindedOutput | string | The blinded output of the peer | Any |
changeSpkOpt | string | Optional, the scriptPubKey of the change output | Any |
Examples of payload
"inputs": [
"inputProof": "304402204d00239127580f515b4f0b00585525546b248d95e7eb35aef4da525658f901f402206a37d04aa970af1f9999a58ac10bebfc22c578110791b56c68ffc4de08ecbc63010279a147dc244c1747356c65c5c8f5c0d429dfac936ab2c83d819fc53fed634bb7",
"outputReference": {
"outPoint": {
"txId": "030756a3dbf5eea34295337a73368905cc60321e9e47cdad6e091e26d311f4ac",
"vout": 0
"output": {
"value": 40000,
"scriptPubKey": "0014b9cbebc3e2a1d4b8b2e5f2fbaa1e2d1f3e4a5b6c7"
"blindedOutput": "02b9cbebc3e2a1d4b8b2e5f2fbaa1e2d1f3e4a5b6c7d8e9f0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c",
"changeSpkOpt": "0014b9cbebc3e2a1d4b8b2e5f2fbaa1e2d1f3e4a5b6c7"
Message signedPsbt
PSBT signed by the peer
Name | Type | Description | Accepted values |
signedPsbt | string | PSBT signed by the peer | Any |
Examples of payload
"signedPsbt": "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"
Message cancelRegistration
Indicates that the peer wants to cancel registration for the round
Name | Type | Description | Accepted values |
nonce | string | Received nonce from the coordinator | Any |
roundId | string | The ID of the round | Any |
Examples of payload
"nonce": "08469f5f8161f406a133a679d247afb71ecce631f91b997ed826751389879550",
"roundId": "030756a3dbf5eea34295337a73368905cc60321e9e47cdad6e091e26d311f4ac"
Messages received during the coordinator round.
Accepts one of the following messages:
Message nonceMessage
The nonce message sent by the coordinator
Name | Type | Description | Accepted values |
schnorrNonce | string | The schnorr nonce of the peer used for blind signing | Any |
Examples of payload
"schnorrNonce": "08469f5f8161f406a133a679d247afb71ecce631f91b997ed826751389879550"
Message askInputs
The coordinator asking peers to register inputs
Name | Type | Description | Accepted values |
roundId | string | The ID of the round | Any |
inputFee | integer | The fee the peer has to pay for each input | Any |
outputFee | integer | The fee the peer has to pay for each output | Any |
changeOutputFee | integer | The fee the peer has to pay for each change output | Any |
Examples of payload
"roundId": "030756a3dbf5eea34295337a73368905cc60321e9e47cdad6e091e26d311f4ac",
"inputFee": 1000,
"outputFee": 1000,
"changeOutputFee": 1000
Message blindedSignature
The blind signature from the coordinator
Name | Type | Description | Accepted values |
blindOutputSig | string | The blind signature from the coordinator | Any |
Examples of payload
"blindOutputSig": "4006D4D069F3B51E968762FF8074153E278E5BCD221AABE0743CA001B77E79F581863CCED9B25C6E7A0FED8EB6F393CD65CD7306D385DCF85CC6567DAA4E041B"
Message unsignedPsbt
PSBT of the transaction to sign
Name | Type | Description | Accepted values |
psbt | string | PSBT of the transaction to sign | Any |
Examples of payload
"psbt": "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"
Message signedTransaction
Fully constructed signed transaction
Name | Type | Description | Accepted values |
transaction | string | Fully constructed signed transaction | Any |
Examples of payload
"transaction": "0200000000010258e87a21b56daf0c23be8e7070456c336f7cbaa5c8757924f545887bb2abdd7500000000da00473044022074018ad4180097b873323c0015720b3684cc8123891048e7dbcd9b55ad679c99022073d369b740e3eb53dcefa33823c8070514ca55a7dd9544f157c167913261118c01483045022100f61038b308dc1da865a34852746f015772934208c6d24454393cd99bdf2217770220056e675a675a6d0a02b85b14e5e29074d8a25a9b5760bea2816f661910a006ea01475221029583bf39ae0a609747ad199addd634fa6108559d6c5cd39b4c2183f1ab96e07f2102dab61ff49a14db6a7d02b0cd1fbb78fc4b18312b5b4e54dae4dba2fbfef536d752aeffffffff838d0427d0ec650a68aa46bb0b098aea4422c071b2ca78352a077959d07cea1d01000000232200208c2353173743b595dfb4a07b72ba8e42e3797da74e87fe7d9d7497e3b2028903ffffffff0270aaf00800000000160014d85c2b71d0060b09c9886aeb815e50991dda124d00e1f5050000000016001400aea9a2e5f0f876a588df5546e8742d1d87008f000400473044022062eb7a556107a7c73f45ac4ab5a1dddf6f7075fb1275969a7f383efff784bcb202200c05dbb7470dbf2f08557dd356c7325c1ed30913e996cd3840945db12228da5f01473044022065f45ba5998b59a27ffe1a7bed016af1f1f90d54b3aa8f7450aa5f56a25103bd02207f724703ad1edb96680b284b56d4ffcb88f7fb759eabbe08aa30f29b851383d20147522103089dc10c7ac6db54f91329af617333db388cead0c231f723379d1b99030b02dc21023add904f3d6dcf59ddb906b0dee23529b7ffb9ed50e5e86151926860221f0e7352ae00000000"
Message restartRound
Indicates that the round should be restarted, new round params and nonce are provided so peer can register inputs
Name | Type | Description | Accepted values |
roundParameters | object | Any | |
roundParameters.version | integer | 0 | |
roundParameters.roundId | string | The ID of the round | Any |
roundParameters.amount | integer | The amount of the target utxo | Any |
roundParameters.coordinatorFee | integer | The fee the coordinator takes per new entrant | Any |
roundParameters.publicKey | string | The public key of the coordinator | Any |
roundParameters.time | integer | The time the round begins | Any |
roundParameters.inputType | string | The type of input that must be registered | witness_v0_keyhash , witness_v0_scripthash , witness_v1_taproot |
roundParameters.outputType | string | The type of output that must be registered | witness_v0_keyhash , witness_v0_scripthash , witness_v1_taproot |
roundParameters.changeType | string | The type of change output that must be registered | witness_v0_keyhash , witness_v0_scripthash , witness_v1_taproot |
roundParameters.minPeers | integer | The minimum number of peers that must register | Any |
roundParameters.maxPeers | integer | The maximum number of peers that can register | Any |
roundParameters.status | string | The status of the round | Any |
roundParameters.title | string | The title of the round | Any |
roundParameters.feeRate | integer | The expected fee rate of the round in sats/vbyte | Any |
nonceMessage | object | Any | |
nonceMessage.schnorrNonce | string | The schnorr nonce of the peer used for blind signing | Any |
Examples of payload
"roundParams": {
"version": 0,
"roundId": "030756a3dbf5eea34295337a73368905cc60321e9e47cdad6e091e26d311f4ac",
"amount": 40000,
"coordinatorFee": 1000,
"publicKey": "03b9cbebc3e2a1d4b8b2e5f2fbaa1e2d1f3e4a5b6c7d8e9f0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c",
"time": 1619222400,
"inputType": "witness_v0_keyhash",
"outputType": "witness_v1_taproot",
"changeType": "witness_v0_keyhash",
"minPeers": 2,
"maxPeers": 10,
"status": "Example Status",
"title": "Example Title",
"feeRate": 2
"nonceMessage": {
"schnorrNonce": "08469f5f8161f406a133a679d247afb71ecce631f91b997ed826751389879550"