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RPC Docs

LnVortex runs a JSON RPC server. For this:

  • All responses return a JSON object containing a result or an error.
  • All requests must have an ID that is either a string or a number
  • All requests must have a method that is a string
  • When a request has parameters it must have a params field that is a json object.

Example request:

"id": "3d00426c-4cb0-4a01-b360-6e50a2b39fc6",
"method": "queuecoins",
"params": {
"coordinator": "Lightning Testnet",
"outpoints": [
"nodeId": "02f7467f4de732f3b3cffc8d5e007aecdf6e58878edb6e46a8e80164421c1b90aa",
"peerAddr": "fypalpg6rmhmrfxhaupwsup6ukonzluu3afbe4mzuzv2rr32h4zrsgyd.onion:9735"

Every RPC call must have a basic Authorization header, you can read more here.


Get Info

method: getinfo




  • network: String - [MainNet, TestNet3, RegTest, SigNet]

Get Status

method: getstatus


  • coordinator: String - name of the coordinator


  • status: String
    • [NoDetails, KnownRound, ReceivedNonce, InputsScheduled, InputsRegistered, TargetOutputRegistered, PSBTSigned]
  • round: Round - Available for all statuses besides NoDetails


  • version: Number
  • roundId: String - id for the round
  • amount: Number - denomination for the round
  • coordinatorFee: Number - fee in satoshis for the round
  • publicKey: String - coordinator's public key
  • time: Number - when the round will execute, in epoch seconds
  • inputType: String - enforced input script type for this round
  • outputType: String - enforced output script type for this round
  • changeType: String - enforced change output script type for this round
  • minPeers: Number
  • maxPeers: Number
  • status: String - Status string that should be displayed to the user
  • feeRate: Number - Estimate of the fee rate for the round

Get Statuses

method: getstatuses




Json object of statuses(see above) Example:

"Taproot Testnet": {
"round": {
"version": 0,
"roundId": "df6577f954c426ccb601c782d455670a87d9215ea26f79ceacf9c3cf28d59385",
"amount": 40000,
"coordinatorFee": 1000,
"publicKey": "e64bc6142987ea48e96293b37b719a8cb00fc4a4673c3c4e48df30bb9dbed602",
"time": 1661502437,
"inputType": "witness_v1_taproot",
"outputType": "witness_v1_taproot",
"changeType": "witness_v1_taproot",
"minPeers": 1,
"maxPeers": 2,
"status": "",
"feeRate": 1
"status": "KnownRound"
"Lightning Testnet": {
"round": {
"version": 0,
"roundId": "03fea63ef0f25dcfd5e4b6aedca93b8037dce0f172415e97000a76e90d470dd7",
"amount": 40000,
"coordinatorFee": 1000,
"publicKey": "e64bc6142987ea48e96293b37b719a8cb00fc4a4673c3c4e48df30bb9dbed602",
"time": 1661502441,
"inputType": "witness_v0_keyhash",
"outputType": "witness_v0_scripthash",
"changeType": "witness_v0_keyhash",
"minPeers": 1,
"maxPeers": 2,
"status": "",
"feeRate": 1
"status": "KnownRound"

List UTXOs

method: listutxos




list of utxos:

  • address: String - bitcoin address
  • amount: Number - in satoshis
  • outPoint: String - the transaction outpoint in txid:vout format
  • confirmed: Boolean - if the transaction is confirmed or not
  • anonSet: Number - anonymity set of this utxo
  • warning: String - optional warning about this utxo (ie address has been re-used)
  • isChange: Boolean - was a change output from a coinjoin transaction
  • scriptType: String - type of script this utxo is

Get Balance

method: getbalance




balance in satoshis

List Transactions

method: listtransactions




list of transactions:

  • txId: String
  • tx: String - transaction in network serialization
  • numConfirmations: Number
  • blockHeight: Number
  • isVortex: Boolean - if this transaction was a vortex transaction
  • label: String

List Channels

method: listchannels




list of channels:

  • alias: String
  • outPoint: String
  • remotePubkey: String
  • shortChannelId: String - channel id in form of BLOCKxTXxOUTPUT
  • channelId: String - channel id in form of a number, encoded as a string because javascript
  • public: Boolean - if this is a public or private channel
  • amount: Number - size of channel in satoshis
  • active: Boolean - if the channel is currently active or not
  • anonSet: Number - anonymity set of the resulting channel

Queue Coins

method: queuecoins


You can set address to specify an address to do the collaborative transaction to.

You can set nodeId to specify the node's pubkey to open the channel to.

Or you can set neither and Vortex will generate an address to do the collaborative transaction to.

  • coordinator: String - name of the coordinator
  • outpoints: Array[String] - outpoints should be in the txid:vout format
  • address: String - optional, address to do the collaborative transaction to
  • nodeId: String - optional, the node's pubkey to open the channel to
  • peerAddr: String - optional, IP or Onion Service's address of the peer
  • requeue: Boolean - optional, if the coins should be requeued automatically for the next round



Cancel Coins

Cancels the queued coins

method: cancelcoins


  • coordinator: String - name of the coordinator

